Treatment description and therapist thoughts
A Holistic Facial is not only a wonderful way to relax and promote a sense of well-being, but this holistic facial will also improve the texture of the skin, increase circulation and encourage rejuvenation and cellular activity. Using techniques rather than complex and very expensive products, fantastic results can be achieved. The natural and healthy alternative to cosmetic surgery.
A perfect way to truly indulge yourself or gift a loved one with this holistic facial using organic and vegan friendly Botanical products. Enjoy a facial double cleanse with hot towels, a gentle exfoliation and a facial mask followed by a soothing face and head massage and a choice of either a hand or foot massage
Instead of using invasive procedures, chemicals and machines, a holistic facial focuses on a variety of massage techniques to increase circulation, remove toxins and stimulate the production of collagen - keeping the skin looking young and healthy.

Tighter and younger looking skin
Eliminating acne
Reducing puffiness
Relaxing tight muscles
Reducing stress
Encouraging calmness and deep relaxation
Tones, tightens, plumps, sculpts, and lifts the face and neck.
Naturally stimulates elastin and collagen.
Stimulates sebaceous glands that help to soften the skin.
Encourages calm in the mind and body reducing stress levels.
Relief from migraines, headaches, and insomnia,
Helps to drain sinus congestion.
Soften fascial lines and decreases wrinkles
Increases self esteem and well being.

Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea
Contagious diseases
Open or unhealed sores or wounds
If you have had Botox or facial fillers within the last 2 months
If you have had facial surgery within the last 6 months
Recent unhealed facial tattoos (including semi-permanent makeup)
Not suitable for children, fine for teenagers.
Not suitable for elderly clients where skin is thin and can damage easily
Whiplash or arthritis in the neck
Very sensitive skin
Active eczema or psoriasis
Open sores or acne
Infectious skin conditions
Tumours or unexplained lumps on face, neck and shoulders
Melanoma is contraindicated
Any recent surgery (wait 3-6 months)
Sunburn on the area.
Skin cancer

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Holistic Facial - 1hour £63

Facial Cupping has its origins that have developed over time, into an effective therapy. The method of Facial Cupping used in the clinic was developed by award winning Reflexologist Ziggie Bergman. It is a non-invasive, natural Complementary Therapy based on the same principles as facial reflexology. It provides the same therapeutic benefits as regular Reflexology but with some wonderful added benefits. It does this by us pressure point massage along with Native American techniques, Asian body mapping and healing herbs to heal the body from the inside out.