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Using the power of Acupuncture and Reflexology to create a wonderful treatment designed specifically to help you mental health.

Treatment description and therapist thoughts

We put this wonderful treatment together, specifically to help with those looking for support with their mental health. This treatment involved acupuncture in the ear and whilst the needles are doing there thing, we do some amazing reflexology, these 2 amazing therapies working together provide a powerful treatment to help you.

Most Traditional Eastern Asian medicines are based on the idea that within the body there are meridians, they are essentially highways for your Qi (Chi), when they get blocked, the Qi can’t flow and it leads to health problems. Traditionally this is solved with acupuncture and moxibustion (they must be used together for complete balance) but also other tools such as massage or cupping, can be used to clear the blockages and helps the Qi flow again.

Ideally this should be a course of treatments, the frequency of which can be determined between you and your therapist. Once the main health complaint has been dealt with, we do recommend maintenance treatments as these works best when it is used as a preventative medicine rather than a reactive one. An old Korean proverb states:

“A good doctor will treat the symptoms; a great doctor will treat the problem before it occurs”.

And this is the philosophy behind a combined approach, prevention is better than cure. It’s a lovely therapy and can achieve some great results.

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  • Good for joint pain and Arthritis.

  • Sciatica

  • Relieves headaches.

  • Reduction of stress hormones

  • Relieves muscle spasms.

  • Pain reduction

  • Improved circulation

  • Relieves anxiety.

  • Improved energy

  • Helps with insomnia.

  • Helps with digestive issues.

  • Greater ability to manage daily stress.

  • Relieved headaches and migraines

  • Relieves tension associated with Stress.

  • Potent rapid results

  • Pain reduction in seconds





  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea.

  • Fever

  • Broken bones, fractures, dislocations, or severe sprains

  • Contagious diseases

  • Open or unhealed sores or wounds

  • Drug or alcohol intoxication

  • Infectious skin disorders or areas of poor skin conditions

  • Lymphoedema, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia

  • Abnormal bleeding

  • Severe thirst

  • Emotional distress

  • Severe allergic reactions

  • Palliative patients

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60 mins
90 mins


Acupuncture has its own history which dates back thousands of years, and has often been utilised by doctors across the whole of East Asia. Due to its long history, its origins are somewhat known. What we do know is that this form of medicine is still the main form of medicine used in China, Japan, Thailand and Korean by millions of people and its effectiveness is well documented.

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