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As part of our duty of care to all our clients an in-depth consultation is always conducted at the beginning of the first massage appointment, there is then a much shorter consultation carried out prior to every subsequent treatment. These consultations are important to establish the client’s medical history and lifestyle. The therapist discusses posture, exercise, allergies, work patterns and stress indicators. This information helps the therapist to determine the most appropriate course of treatment.

It is important to let the therapist know if you have any medical problem such as skin allergies or skin conditions, spinal issues, infectious diseases, joint problems, any history of heart or circulatory problems or any other medical issue. If you are / may be pregnant or if you have recently had a surgery.


Following every massage, you should be aware that you may experience different effects. No two treatments are the same and how you feel afterwards may vary greatly between treatments. It depends on many factors. If you experience any of the following symptoms these are quite normal and are a good sign that the treatment is working.


  • Cold like symptoms

  • Stuffy, blocked, or runny nose

  • Sleepy & fatigued or deeply relaxed

  • Irritable

  • Energised

  • Temporary worsening of symptoms

  • Increased thirst and/or urination

  • Dark marks on the skin that go after a few days (cupping and Gua Sha)


After a massage treatment, we recommend you do the following.

  • Drink plenty of water over the next 24 hours following treatment

  • Rest and relax as much as possible at least for the rest of the day

  • Avoid heavy meals

  • Avoid Stimulants (alcohol and caffeine) for at least 12 hours

  • Avoid strenuous activity for the rest of the day after treatment

You may experience soreness and tenderness on areas worked on during your massage, a headache and/or dizziness due to improved circulation, but this will only be temporary. If you are feeling any of these symptoms, please drink more water and try to relax. Be careful when walking or driving after massage due to decreased response times.

Sports massage


I’ve never had a body massage before, what can I expect?

Body massage is a massage technique that most people recognise. It is performed on our massage couch and oils are used. You are fully draped with towels and only the area we are working on is exposed. we will ask you to strip down to your underwear and get under the towels whilst we leave the room. we will work one side of your body then get you to turn over whilst we help you maintain your modesty, and finish on the other side.


I’ve never had a Thai massage before, what can I expect?

This is done on a Thai mattress on the floor and you are fully clothed during the treatment, Thai massage [is a yoga based treatment, and incorporates a lot of passive yoga stretches. Please don’t think this means that to have a treatment you need to be really flexible, you don’t. As with regular yoga, Thai massage on a regular basis may have a side effect of increasing your flexibility, but the treatment can be adapted to all abilities and levels of flexibility. Please make sure you wear clothes which are comfortable but stretchy, and absolutely NO JEANS or Skirts.


I’ve never had a massage before, how do I know which is best for me?

Have a look through the “Let us help page” pick the ailment which most reflects the main issue you have and we will suggest the top treatments that will help you, from there it’s a bit easier to pick.  If you're still struggling to decide then drop us a message and have a chat with us and we’ll make a suggestion as to which we think is the best treatment for you.


I’ve never had Cupping and Body Gua Sha before, what can I expect?

Cupping and Body Gua Sha is a massage technique which involved places plastic cups on the body and drawing the skin and fascial tissue up into the cup, it can cause a lot of discomfort but is brilliant for helping to relieve any stagnation and tension. It can cause marks on the body which look like bruises. These are not bruises they are a build up of dead cells and metabolic waste. Which the body will then take a few days to clear. It is important to understand when attending a cupping treatment that it is likely to leave you marked for a few days afterwards.


I’m worried about the massage being painful!

Please do not worry, all our therapists are professionals and will regularly check in with you to make sure you are ok, and that the pressure works for you? If something is uncomfortable or painful and you are not enjoying it, we absolutely encourage you to speak up and tell us. We would much rather you told us you weren’t comfortable, and we can make steps to create the best treatment for you, than for you to ‘grin and bear it’ and leave feeling like you’ve been battered and never come back. This is YOUR treatment not ours so you have to tell us how we can make it the best experience possible.


Am I allowed to talk, or do I have to stay silent?

This is YOUR treatment, not ours, so if you want to natter away to us, go right ahead we can have a good conversation. However, if you prefer your treatments in silence so you can relax and go into your own little head space, we can stay quiet and get on with our work. This treatment is all about you and what you need to get the most out of it.

The same goes for sleeping! If you want a snooze, go right ahead. We’ll wake you when we are done!


Do you offer ‘Extras’?

No, and please do not ask! If you ask or enquire about anything other than legitimate massage, we will report your name and number to the police for solicitation. We are all registered, insured, and professional members of the Federation of Holistic Therapists, we offer genuine massage treatments only. If you are looking for ‘Extras’, please try somewhere else!

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